Configuring Categories

Pastoral records are assigned categories. Categories can help organisations to manage staff access to records (in conjunction with the overarching profile permission settings), providing a quick and simple way to ensure that only the appropriate members of staff can see sensitive information. Alternatively, users can make records visible to all staff with access to the module.

GIRFEC forms required in Scotland are also associated with specific pastoral record categories. Selecting the appropriate category immediately links the record with the required GIRFEC forms.

Shapes and colours can be assigned to pastoral management categories, creating icons that can appear in grids such as the Pupil Search grid (if set when a record is created). This provides a visual alert. For example, a pink star could be assigned to a critical category, a blue square to a medium priority category and a green circle to a low priority category. In this way, users can identify pupils with open records at a glance and, if they are aware of what the icons represent, the type of record / issue.

Example of a Pupils grid with pastoral management category icons highlighted

Whether icons appear in Pupil Search and other grids must be set in the individual pastoral records using the Show Alert Against Pupil check box when a relevant record category is selected. For more information, see About Adding Pastoral Records.

To use the Pastoral Management module effectively, your categories must be configured and managed to best suit your school's needs.

Normally, these settings are configured by a System Administrator. As such, you may not be able to see this section when you log in if you do not have System Administrator access to the software.